Certificate 2 Engineering Pathways


South Australia is the national centre of naval shipbuilding and submarine sustainment, and the confirmed location for Australia’s next generation Future Submarines and Future Frigates. This course aims to provide students with skills and competencies required in Engineering Trades that will be in high demand. Students will learn skills that are applicable to a range of engineering trades, as well as required theory. Oxy/Acetylene and MMA welding techniques are used. Projects, design work and testing are integral components of the course. Students will be supported by local industry partnerships for visits and workplace learning.

This course may lead to an Engineering Trades, Fabrication, Mechanical Fitter, Automotive, Diesel, Ship Building, Plumbing or Electrical Apprenticeship. It may also lead to Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Engineering or Bachelor Degree in Engineering. The maritime content will highlight the history of both the school and the region in providing a highly skilled workforce for the maritime and allied industries.

Students can then progress to studying a Certificate 3 Engineering as a part school based apprenticeship, gaining recognition towards their SACE. For more information on school based apprenticeships please visit https://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/school-based-apprenticeships

