
Full Year, Semester

In their study of Chemistry, students develop and extend their understanding of how the physical world is chemically constructed, the interaction between human activities and the environment, and the use that human beings make of the planet’s resources. They explore examples of how scientific understanding is dynamic and develops with new evidence, which may involve the application of new technologies. Students consider examples of benefits and risks of chemical knowledge to the wider community, along with the capacity of chemical knowledge to inform public debate on social and environmental issues. The study of Chemistry helps students to make informed decisions about interacting with and modifying nature, and explore options such as green or sustainable chemistry, which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of chemical products and processes.

Recommended background

Working at or above standard (a C grade or better) in the Year 10 Science Chemistry units. Strong mathematical skills are expected.

The following topics provide the framework for learning in Stage 1 Chemistry.

Semester 1

  • Materials and their Atoms
  • Combinations of Atoms
  • Acid and Bases

Semester 2

  • Molecules
  • Mixtures and Solutions
  • Redox Reaction

Assessment at Stage 1 is school based.

There are two assessment types:

  • Investigations Folios (practical investigations and Science as a Human Endeavour investigations)
  • Skills and Application Tasks (topic tests)

Four assessment pieces are completed in each semester of Stage 1 Chemistry.

Semester 1

  • Acid rain practical report (IF)
  • Fundamentals of Chemistry test (SAT)
  • Uses of nanotechnology SHE investigation (IF)
  • Interactions of molecules test (SAT)

Semester 2

  • Uses of polymers SHE investigation (IF)
  • Qualitative Chemistry test (SAT)
  • Thermochemistry practical report (IF)
  • Redox reactions test (SAT)

Stage 1 Chemistry is assessed using two criteria:

  • Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation
    • This criterion assesses students ability to research relevant information, to deconstruct problems, design investigations, test hypotheses, identify variables, consider possible risks, create tables and graphs, analyse data and evaluate results.
  • Knowledge and Application
    • This criterion assesses students ability to understand science as a human endeavour, to recall chemical information, to use chemical terminology and use their knowledge in unfamiliar situations.

A Course Overview, outlining the specific criteria assessed for each task, can be provided upon request.

Successful completion of this subject leads to: Stage 2 Chemistry

Students who intend to study Chemistry at Stage 2: must complete 20 credits of Stage 1 Chemistry with a C grade or better.

Students should investigate whether tertiary study requires Stage 2 Chemistry as a prerequisite or assumed knowledge.

