In Drama, students engage in learning as authentic dramatic artists. Drama is active and participatory, involving the process of imagining, developing and creating original narratives, viewpoints and artistic products. Previous experience in Drama is preferable but not essential.
The following three areas of dramatic study are undertaken:
Assessment Type 1: Responding to Drama (30 %) Students attend a range of professional theatre experiences at the Adelaide Fringe, Adelaide Festival, State Theatre. They analyse, and reflect on the ideas, techniques, skills, choices, and artistic impact of a professional theatre on them as the audience and on their own individual development as an actor, designer or director.
Assessment Type 2: Company and Performance (40%) This is the performance component of the course and it involves working collaboratively to either devise creative works or develop performance work from established scripts. In creating a dramatic product, you will develop the skills and understandings to realise yourself as authentic artists – in on stage (actor) or off stage (director or designer) roles.
Assessment Type 3: Creative Synthesis; Drama and Technology (30%) Students choose to be either the director or designer of a hypothetical production and explore and experiment with possibilities for how they would use new technologies in their production.