Visual Design and Creative Arts B


RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND: This is a second semester option for Visual Art Design students and Creative Arts, Media students. It is expected that students have undertaken Visual Art Design or Creative Arts Media in semester 1.

CONTENT: In this course students will build on skills, knowledge and understanding to produce Media Arts and Design Products/solutions leading to Stage 2 Design or Creative Arts. Students develop skills in communication and investigation of contemporary practitioners and media styles while applying a personal aesthetic to create digital solutions, arts products and advertising. Students use the creative process to produce completely original pieces of digital art, visual design and media products.

Topics covered in this course may include:

  • Manipulating and creating images and designs in Adobe Photoshop
  • Manipulating and creating moving image and digital content in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.
  • Using the design process

ASSESSMENT: Students are assessed against the Creative Arts SACE performance standards.

Practical assessment: 60%

Completed student practical works

Folio Assessment: 40%

  • Skill acquisition assignment
  • Research and analysis task on contemporary practitioners, media arts careers and pathways.

