Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program
Dear parents/guardians,
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy commenced in 2020 and the rollout continues into this year. To refresh previous communications on this matter, the school requires all students enrolled in Years 7 to 11 to have a Chromebook or another BYO laptop device (which is not an iPad or tablet).
This information must be read in conjunction with the Bring Your Own Device Policy and the ICT Services User Agreement on the school website.
Families can choose one of the two following options.
Option 1
Purchase a Chromebook or laptop through the external vendor (Learning With Technologies – LWT) via the school web site and maintain your ownership of the device. Once you click through to the LWT portal, you can follow the simple steps to complete your order. Details regarding delivery options are available via the portal.
Option 2
Purchase a device by yourself from a retail outlet (which is not an iPad or a tablet) in accordance with our Minimum Specifications. This information is available on our school website at the links below.
Year 12
Year 12 students are encouraged to purchase and bring their own device to support their studies, using one of the options above. Any students in Year 12 who may require a school loan device, are asked to speak with Senior School Leaders to discuss the arrangement required for the year. They will then organise support through the ICT Team.
Device Connection to School Network
We require families to complete the ICT Services User Agreement which can be obtained from the ICT Office or can be downloaded from the link below. Once the agreement is completed and signed, students are to visit the ICT Office and return the agreement to enable device connection to the school network.
Please click here to download ICT Services User Agreement.
If the above arrangements prove difficult for families, we ask that contact is made with the school through your child’s Learning and Engagement Leader to negotiate a solution.
If you need any other assistance, please reach out to the LFHS ICT team on the following email address: