Scientific Studies develops students knowledge of scientific principles and concepts related to Forensic Science, the ability to use that knowledge to identify questions, issues, opportunities and challenges, and the capacity to acquire new knowledge through their own investigations. They develop the skills and abilities to explain scientific phenomena, and to draw evidence-based conclusions from the investigation of science-related issues. In this way, students develop scientific knowledge and skills to support them in their future career pathways, including those that are science-related, and everyday life in a world shaped by science and technology.
Recommended background
Scientific Studies is an excellent choice for students who have enjoyed their science courses in high school but do not intend to specialise in a specific Science subject at the SACE level.
The following topics provide the framework for learning in Forensic Science.
Assessment at Stage 1 is school based.
There are two assessment types:
Four assessment pieces are completed in Forensic Science.
Stage 1 Scientific Studies- Forensic Science is assessed using two criteria:
A Course Overview, outlining the specific criteria assessed for each task, can be provided upon request.
Successful completion of this subject leads to: an improved understanding of some Biology content which may be beneficial. Students who intend to study Biology at Stage 2 may benefit from selecting this subject alongside a full year of Stage 1 Biology, though Forensic Science is not compulsory.