Workplace Practices


Workplace Practices at Stage 1 allows learners to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of industry and work.  Students develop and apply relevant work skills, identify, and investigate processes and issues related to work, industry, and the workplace.  They may work independently or with others and review, reflect and report on their experiences, abilities, interests, and aspirations in relation to planning for work and future pathways.

Students who select to do a VET Flexible Industry Pathway course will automatically be enrolled in this course to support their vocational learning and identified career pathway.


Workplace Practices is a 10 credit subject at Stage 1. It has three areas of study:

Industry and Work Knowledge, Vocational learning and/or VET

Industry and Work Knowledge

Students develop knowledge and understanding of the nature, type, and structure of the workplace. Specific areas include the changing nature of work; industrial relations and legislation; safe and sustainable workplace practices; technical and industry-related skills; and issues in industry and workplace contexts.

For a 10‑credit subject, students undertake two or more topics.

Vocational Learning

Vocational learning is general learning that has a vocational perspective. It includes any formal learning in a work-related context outside Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. Students undertake learning in the workplace to develop and reflect on their capabilities, interests, and aspirations and to reflect on the knowledge, skills, and attributes valued in the workplace.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

VET includes any ‘training and assessment delivered by a registered training organisation which meets the requirements specified in national industry/enterprise Training Packages or in accredited courses’ (


Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

School-based Assessment

  • Folio 40%
  • Performance 40%
  • Reflection 20%

