Home Economics for Year 9 is a comprehensive and exciting course that aims to equip students with essential skills for growing adolescents. It provides a perfect opportunity for students to develop a strong foundation skill and will benefit them throughout their lives.
Term 1: Students will use design thinking and apply technical skills with the sewing machines. They will develop knowledge and understanding about textile products, clothing and participate in skill development workshops. Students will consider ethical and sustainability factors that impact on textile production decisions. They will gain experience in safely and competently operating sewing equipment to produce quality products from upcycled and new fabrics. Students will experiment with embellishment techniques to create new and interesting materials in readiness for their own design project.
Term 2: The goal of the unit is to empower year 9 students to make healthy food decisions, develop skills and understand the concepts of applying nutrition to healthy diets with meals, snacks, and food management. The use of thinking tools will be used to support their development. Students will produce healthy meals with the intention of understanding how they can be better alternatives than takeaway options.
Assessment in each area is based on the ACARA Achievement Standards
Assessment Type include:
Assessment tasks, practical work, and analysis of work completed.