Music - Performing Arts

Full Year, Semester

Music in Year 9 provides students with the opportunity to extend their musical knowledge through workshops, performances, composition tasks and theoretical classes. By the end of Year 9 music, students will be able to read and write music using basic notation and will begin to use this knowledge to form their own original compositions. Students will be taught analytical skills and begin to interpret the different elements of music including aural analysis, pitch, notation, rhythm defining characteristics from different musical styles and cultures.

Students will be asked to focus on their instrument of their choice for practical lessons and performances, both in class and publicly at school assemblies. To assist with this, it is highly advisable that students have their own instrument so they can practice at home. Instrumental lessons are provided to all music students for a variety of instruments free of charge. These lessons will take place within school hours and are required to support students with the practical component of the course. If a student is already receiving lessons privately, school based instrumental lessons are not necessary.

This course caters for students of all ability levels and experience and provides an excellent foundation for further music study in later school years.


Performances, tests and written assignments using IBMYP criteria aligned with the Australian curriculum.

